Saturday, November 22, 2008

Okay, it has been some time since my last post but, I have been very busy! I know it isn't an excuse but, it is just the way it is. So, I am going back through the pictures of my R&R (which I do daily you know) and I found a few more I wanted to put up. I want to make one little comment though before you see them. I realized that I don't have very many pictures of my eldest daughter Cassie. I will rectify that Cassie. I will on my next post, put some pictures of her that I have in my Hard drive. In the meantime, enjoy what I have posted here. I know Kim is working on posting some as well.
This was My first picture home. The little boy between Catherine and Cassie is Adam, our next door neighbors Julie and Tim's youngest.

Hot Mama on a Harley! This was the first room we stayed in at Anniversary Inn. Ain't she Hot?! (the bike is nice too.)

From the Biker Room to the Hollywood Romance. Who is the Hot Chick on the bed?!
Hi Babe, are you doing anything tonight?

Can Anyone see Celsee? I know she can climb trees.

Okay Catherine, can you climb up and find your sister?

C'mon Camronn, you have to get up sometime today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pictures from Tom's visit home

We enjoyed having Tom home and look forward

to February when he returns again. Hope you

enjoy the pictures of our time together.

Our big happy family!!

Being just plan goofy!!

This one's for you babe. (I love and miss you!)

Cassandra, Camronn and part of Colbi having
fun on the slide.

Catherine up an apple tree.

Colbi playing on a steep hill getting filthy dirty
like little boys love to do.

Carisa and Celsee goofing off on the dock.

Tom and Carisa. Can you tell how much we

miss him?

Tom's parents, Jim & Peggy.

Tom's brother and his wife, Jim and Janna.

Tom's sister, Tonya, and her son AJ.

Dad, Tom, Tonya and Jim.

A good picture of the guys.

Climbing trees and gathering apples.

The kids were climbing an apple tree and Camronn

was really nice helping his sister Crystal.

Camronn REALLY helping Crystal.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Back in Iraq (Boo Hoo)

Okay, I am back in Iraq again and am already missing my family. When I got in I saw that I had missed a terrific rain storm and I thought I would post a few pics of what happens when all that water is introduced to this desert. I also snapped a decent photo of the sunset so I will put that here as well.

This was a small seepage of water in danger
of drying out before the rain.

This is the road beside th seepage/river

After the rains things looked better.

Here is my wonderful family all showing me
how much they miss me. I was never so happy!!

Here is a shot of Carisa. Such a princess!

Crystal on her big day!!
She turned 81...I mean 18 and is
now an experienced hunter.

I will be posting more pics as time goes on. Don't worry kids. All of you will have your own pictures on here very soon. Time to go so to all my family and friends, my love and best wishes. Talk at you later!!!